Saturday, January 14, 2012

[Meme] TBR Intervention Week #12

The TBR (To Be Read) Intervention Challenge is a weekly challenge hosted by Books4JulietWhatever You Can Sill Betray and Refracted Light.

The following information is posted on Refracted Light's blog:

The goal of this challenge is to help each other (fellow readers and bloggers) manage our enormous and constantly growing TBR (To-Be-Read) List. The rules are simple and everyone is encouraged to participate. It does not force you to commit to more than what you can manage to read in a week or so, but participants are encouraged to read at least one book within a week. You are free to choose the book you want to read and commit to this challenge. You may post your entry every Saturday, at the frequency of your choice–EVERY WEEK or EVERY TWO WEEKS. However, we will sponsor this event regularly every Saturday.

Here are the rules:

1. Post the book(s) you committed to read in your last TBR Intervention post and tell us something about it. Did you finish it? Did you enjoy it or not? Post the link to your review (if you have one).

2. Post a book that you want to read and already own. Pick something that has been sitting on your shelf for too long now (6 months or longer). Commit to read the book in the next couple of days or week.

3. Grab the TBR Intervention Button and post it on your blog sidebar so you will be constantly reminded of the challenge, making it easier for you to commit. This will also encourage other readers/bloggers/visitors to join the challenge.

4. Add the link to your post in the Linky below and make sure to visit the other blogs. Comment, encourage, and spread the love to our fellow readers.

Last (2) Week's TBR:

So, I haven't done a TBR post this year. To be honest, with a lot of the reviewer/author/agent crap going around the past few weeks I haven't much felt like reading and books for review. I have been in such a reading funk that I pick something up, read a few pages, and put it back down. I'm not finding joy in much of anything. I'm not sure when I am going to get back into it either. So right now I am reading for me, and as such I see more dusty reads coming of my shelf. Books that I have sidelined in order to read those review copies I have been receiving. Maybe one the fires settle a bit I might pick it up again. Time will tell. I still have to get the review out for the ones I have read. I just haven't had the mental that being said...

I did finish Cinder. It was pretty good, not as amazing as I have heard others state, but enjoyable none-the-less. Then, to just take a breather I pull my Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Volume 2 off my shelf and just enjoyed the pure prettiness of it. It was great. I also stumbled across this real gem of a vampire story when I agreed to participate in a blog tour. Crossroads by J.J. Bonds was a fabulous read and I recommend to all vampire lovers.

This Week's TBR:

As to what I want to read this week, I really don't know...I hope to be able to finish Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (for the Harry Potter 2012 Challenge), or start The Young Black Stallion (for my Black Stallion Challenge). But other than that I think I will just read whatever catches my eye...

These books are my goals for this week's TBR Intervention Challenge.

What are yours?

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I've heard nothing but good things about Cinder! I'm glad to hear an objective opinion on it. So many books, too little time.
    I was actually hoping some other bloggers would be able to help me develop my TBR list by sharing their faves. If you'd like to contribute visit me here Glitter Lit

  2. Wow! Yay for Twilight! And I see you're going to read Harry Potter. I haven't read any HP books but I enjoyed the movie much =) Cinder has been around for a while now, I always see it in different blogs lately and I hope to read it soon. Good luck with your books this week! =) I hope we can successfully enjoy and dust off some books these weeks... =)

  3. I am starting to look for graphic novels so I am going to look at the Twilight ones. I also want to see if I can find the Vampire Kisses graphic novels because I have also heard good things about them as well.

    Congrats on reading for yourself!


  4. I'm glad you enjoyed Cinder... even if you didn't love it ;) lol And I'm going to have to check out that J.J. Bonds novel.

    So is this your first time reading Harry Potter, or is this a re-read? And wow... the black stallion. Talk about a blast from the past. I loved that story as a kid.

    Good luck this week! :)
